Free LGBTI+ Skills Online Training

On 14th May, 2020, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Katherine Zappone launched the BeLonG To new online training: ‘Creating LGBTI+ Inclusive Schools and Youth Services’. This exciting new online training programme includes videos, exercises and quizzes to equip education and youth service professionals to become better at listening to, understanding, responding to and supporting LGBTI+ young people – ensuring that you become part of a positive story in their lives.

Who is it for? The training is for those working directly with young people in education or youth work settings such as teachers, youth workers, guidance counsellors and youth club leaders.
How long is the training? This is a 3-hour online training programme. You can complete the course in one go or over a series of weeks – whatever works best for you.
Getting started is easy:
1. Visit
2. Select the course: Creating LGBT+ inclusive Schools and Youth Services with BeLonG To.
3. Click the button ‘Create new account’

Let’s Play Creatively

Let’s Play Ireland is a whole of Government campaign led by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to promote the importance of play and to provide play resources for families during this time.

The aim of the initiative is to highlight the importance of play for children, particularly in the challenging time and to provide information and resources for families to support their children’s play. The campaign will run throughout May and June in conjunction with the overall Government campaign on Wellbeing. Every Wednesday new resources will feature on the website across a range of themes including; Early Years, Playful Families, Storytelling; Playful Learning, Active Play, Creative Play and Play to Support Well Being.

This week (13th May, 2020) new resources on Let’s Play Creatively feature on the website;

Let’s Keep Meath Talking

Please click on the attached flyer that was developed as part of an initiative by some of Meath County Council’s Community Response Forum members to ‘KEEP MEATH TALKING’. Loneliness was highlighted as a key priority for all ages so they pulled this together after speaking with colleagues in Kildare.

Lets Keep Meath Talking – flyer DRAFT v1

Stress Control Online Starting 11th May

Stress is a normal reaction to the rapidly changing and uncertain times we are all living in at the moment. If you are feeling a bit more stressed than usual and would like to learn some great ways, free-of-charge, to deal with common problems like anxiety, depression, panicky feelings, poor sleep and poor wellbeing then come along to our classes.

‘Stress Control’ is a six-session cognitive-behavioural therapy class used extensively in community-settings by the NHS (UK) and HSE (Ireland) and across the world. You can find out more here:

As you can’t come to a regular Stress Control class due to the current circumstances, Stress Control will come to you by live streaming two sessions a week on YouTube. Each session will repeat four times starting on Monday 11th May. The following are the dates and times:

Edition 6 of the Meath Child & Family Support Networks Service Provision during Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 6th edition of the Meath Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 11th May, 2020.

Meath Child and Family Support Network 6th Edition Service delivery update 11.05.20

Edition 6 of the Louth CFSN Newsletter – Local Service Delivery During Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 6th edition of the Louth Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 8th May, 2020.

Edition 6 Louth Child and Family Support Network Service delivery update 08.05.2020

New Resource on Playful Families and Playful Parenting

Let’s Play Ireland is a whole of Government campaign led by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to promote the importance of play and to provide play resources for families during this time.

The aim of the initiative is to highlight the importance of play for children, particularly in the challenging time and to provide information and resources for families to support their children’s play. The campaign will run throughout May and June in conjunction with the overall Government campaign on Wellbeing. Every Wednesday new resources will feature on the website across a range of themes including; Early Years, Playful Families, Storytelling; Playful Learning, Active Play, Creative Play and Play to Support Well Being.

This week new resources on playful families and playful parenting feature on the website;

Thank you in particular to Dublin City Children and Young People Services Committee and Tusla for allowing us to share their resources on playful parenting.

Edition 5 of the Meath Child & Family Support Networks Service Provision during Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 5th edition of the Meath Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 5th May, 2020.

Meath Child and Family Support Network Service delivery 5th Edition

Edition 5 of the Louth CFSN Newsletter – Local Service Delivery During Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 5th edition of the Louth Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 1st May, 2020.

Edition 5 Louth Child and Family Support Network Service delivery update 01.05.2020

National Jigsaw COVID 19 Reponse

Please click on the link below for the latest version (up to April 30th) of the national Jigsaw dashboard that displays the various supports available to Children & Young People across each county where there is a Jigsaw service and more so what is now available nationally from Jigsaw, irrespective if you have a Jigsaw in your county.