National Jigsaw COVID 19 Reponse

Please click on the link below for the latest version (up to April 30th) of the national Jigsaw dashboard that displays the various supports available to Children & Young People across each county where there is a Jigsaw service and more so what is now available nationally from Jigsaw, irrespective if you have a Jigsaw in your county.


The Irish Community Action on Alcohol Network (ICAAN) and national charity Alcohol Forum have this week launched an information resource to raise awareness across the population about the risk that alcohol use poses to the immune system. Please click on the links below for press release and poster.



Safety Cards Resource for Parents – Supporting Children to Keep Safe

Please click on the link below to access the safety cards. This resource was reproduced by Louth CYPSC with permission obtained from Dublin City North CYPSC.

CYPSC Supporting Calm Cards

Edition 4 of the Meath Child & Family Support Networks Service Provision during Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 4th edition of the Meath Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 27th April, 2020.

Meath Child and Family Support Network Service delivery 4th Edition

Edition 4 of the Louth CFSN Newsletter – Local Service Delivery During Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 4th edition of the Louth Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 24th April, 2020.

Edition 4 Louth Child and Family Support Network Service delivery update 24.04.2020

Key Message for Parents – Online Safety for Children & Young People during COVID 19

Tusla Louth Meath in collaboration with Meath CYPSC have developed an online safety resource that parents can use to help them talk with and keep their children safe online during COVID 19. Please click on the link below for more information.

Internet Safety Key Message for Parents Tusla Louth Meath and Meath CYPSC


Edition 3 of the Meath Child & Family Support Networks Service Provision during Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 3rd edition of the Meath Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 20th April, 2020.

Meath Child and Family Support Networks Service delivery update 20.04.20 3rd Edition

Edition 3 of the Louth CFSN Newsletter – Local Service Delivery During Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 3rd edition of the Louth Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 17th April, 2020.

Edition 3 Louth Child and Family Support Network Service delivery update 17.04.2020

Edition 2 of the Meath Child and Family Support Network Newsletter, Details of Local Service Delivery During COVID 19

Please click on the link below for the latest edition of the Meath CFSN newsletter. The information is up to date as of 14th April, 2020.

Meath Child and Family Support Network Service delivery 2nd Edition 14.04.20

Edition 2 of the Louth Child and Family Support Network Newsletter, Details of Local Service Delivery During COVID 19

Please click on the link to access the latest edition of the Louth CFSN newsletter. The information is up to date as of the 9th of April 2020.

Edition 2 Louth Child and Family Support Network Service delivery update 09.04.2020