Kells Bells

An exciting new project Kells Bells from Trish Murphy, Youth Justice Support Worker, SMART Project, is now up and running.

Does your 8 -11yr old child struggle in school?

Does your 8- 11yr old child display some challenging behaviours?

If the answer is yes, Trish is ready to hear from you. Click on the link below for further information and relevant contact details:

Kells Bells

Postponement of Mental Health & Resilience Building in the Community Information Evening Scheduled in the Crown Plaza Hotel, Dundalk on 13th Dec 2022

Please note that tonight’s Community event scheduled in the Crown Plaza Hotel, Dundalk, is postponed due to the current bad weather conditions.

Mental Health & Resilience Building in the Community Information Evening In the Crown Plaza Hotel, Dundalk on 13th Dec 2022 at 6pm sharp

This evening has been organised by HSE Mental Health Services, HSE Psychology Service and the National Educational Psychology Service in conjunction with Shine, Pieta and Samaritans Ireland.  It will take place in the Crown Plaza Hotel, Dundalk on 13th Dec 2022 at 6pm sharp. 

Click on the link below for more information that also includes the programme with a list of speakers for the evening:

Community Event 13.12.22

The HSE is encouraging anyone who is experiencing ongoing stress, anxiety, mental health or sleep problems to make the connection with their mental health and take a moment to visit Here you can find a range of information on breathing exercises, resources on physical activity, apps on mindfulness, online courses on stress control and many more to help you over the coming weeks.

Meath Parenting Support Champions Event for Parents in the Trim Castle Hotel on 8th December 2022

Meath Parenting Support Champions are hosting a fun morning for all parents highlighting the supports available through Parenting 24seven. This will happen in The Trim Castle Hotel Thursday 8th 10am to 12pm.

Light refreshments and spot prizes for all. See poster below for more information:



Trim Family Resource Centre – December 2022 – Upcoming Events

Click on the link below for information on upcoming events in December 2022:


Suicide or Survive: Free Wellness Workshop

SOS are delighted to be bringing a Wellness Workshop to the Headfort Arms Hotel, Kells, Co Meath, on Tuesday 6th December 2022. A Wellness Workshop is an opportunity for you to take time out and learn a wide range of simple practical and effective tools and tips that you can use in your everyday life to improve your own wellness. These workshops aim to help you understand and take charge of your own mental health. The workshop is for anyone and everyone as we all have mental health!

Workshops are informal and relaxed. They are facilitated by people with both lived life experience of mental health difficulties, and people with experience of working in various mental health arenas. The workshop runs from 9.30am to 4.30pm. A comprehensive Wellness Workbook to support you in maintaining your daily wellness is included and lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day. This workshop is fully funded thanks to our funders the National Office for Suicide Prevention and our amazing donors and fundraisers.

For more information on our wellness workshops please click here:

To book your free place please click here:  or contact any of the SOS team at 01 2722158 or [email protected] and we would be happy to register you.

LW CYPSC Family Wellness Parenting Webinar Series – Week Four 30th Nov 8pm – Responding to Child and Adolescent Anxiety: What a Parent can do!

The final webinar in the Longford Westmeath CYPSC  Parenting Webinar Series, will take place next Wednesday evening at 8pm. This series forms part of the LW CYPSC Healthy Ireland ‘Family Wellness Initiative’. This highly engaging series has been well received so far.

Week Four: 30th Nov 8pm – 9pm– Responding to Child and Adolescent Anxiety – What a Parent can do!

This webinar will look at the impact of child and adolescent anxiety on children and parents. It will highlight some of the pitfalls for parents when trying to support their anxious child as well as explore ideas for new strategies to support your child through everyday life challenges. A questions and answers question will take place and information on further resources will also be available.

Webinar by Tara Kelly co-founder of  New Authority Parenting  and M Sc/ Doctoral Researcher

To register for this webinar please CLICK HERE

LW CYPSC Family Wellness Parenting Webinar Series – Week Three 23rd Nov 8pm: Compassionate self-care for parents – What a Parent can do!

The Longford Westmeath CYPSC Parenting Webinar Series, continues next Wednesday evening. This series forms part of the LW CYPSC Healthy Ireland ‘Family Wellness Initiative’. The first two webinars have been really well received.

Week Three: 23rd November 8pm – 9:15pm Compassionate Self-Care for Parents – What a Parent can do!

In this talk, Dr. Malie Coyne shares the science behind self-compassion in counter-balancing our threat-focused brains. Malie emphasizes the importance of parents caring for themselves, so they can reflect on themselves, and in turn respond to their children from a place of soothing rather than threat. Malie will also dedicate time to answering your questions. Malie’s approach is very down to earth, and it is hoped that parents will be left with a sense of reassurance in being ‘good enough’ and practical tools to help parents and their children build resilience.

Webinar by Dr. Malie Coyne
Clinical Psychologist, University of Galway Adjunct Lecturer, Bestselling Author, and Parent


To register for this webinar please CLICK HERE


Planet Youth Upcoming Webinars on Importance of Sleep

The Upcoming Webinars on Importance of Sleep are hosted by Planet Youth. Please see details below:


The importance of sleep for our national school children on Tuesday 15th November at 7:00pm

A webinar for parents that explore:

The importance of sleep

The reasons behind typical sleep challenges​​​​​​​

How parents can practically support their children to develop positive sleep practices

Click on the following link to register


The importance of sleep for our teenagers on Wednesday 16th November at 7:00pm

A webinar for parents that explores:

The importance of sleep

The reasons behind typical sleep challenges

How parents can practically support their teenagers to understand and prioritise their sleep

Click on the following link to register


For more information on the webinars click on the link below:

Sleep Webinars Nov 22

LW CYPSC Family Wellness Parenting Webinar Series – Week Two 16th Nov 8pm: Supporting your child’s mental health and well-being – What a Parent can do!

The Longford Westmeath CYPSC  Parenting Webinar Series, forms part of the LW CYPSC Healthy Ireland ‘Family Wellness Initiative’.

Week Two: 16th November 8pm – 9:30pm Supporting your child’s mental health and well-being – What a Parent can do!

In this interactive workshop, Professor John Sharry will describe practical steps parents can take to boost their children’s well-being and self-esteem while maintaining warm connected family relationships. Webinar by Professor John Sharry, social worker and family psychotherapist with over 30 years’ experience as a child and adolescent mental health professional. John is founder and clinical director of the Parents Plus Charity, adjunct Professor at the School of Psychology in UCD and an Irish Times Parenting Columnist. He is the author of over 25 positive psychology, parenting books and mental health programmes, including Positive Parenting, Parenting Teenagers and Parenting when Separated. He is also the lead author of the evidence-based Parents Plus Programmes which are successfully run through mental health, disability and primary care services throughout Ireland and the UK. See and for more information


Webinar by Professor John Sharry,

Social Worker, Child and Family Psychotherapist, Author, Co-developer of Parents Plus programmes,

Professor at the School of Psychology in UCD and weekly contributor to the Irish Times.


To register for this webinar please CLICK HERE


Webinar Info – LW CYPSC Family Wellness Webinar Series Nov 2022