Press Release: Launch of How’s Your Head Survey – Young Voices During Covid-19

Minister Zappone launches ‘How’s Your Head – Young Voices during COVID-19’, a national consultation with young people on mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19

On 24th June the Department of Children and Youth Affairs opened a national consultation with young people on mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19. How’s Your Head – Young Voices during COVID-19 will hear directly from young people about what they have found hard during COVID-19, what changes in their lives they would like to retain, and what would help young people to improve their mental health and well-being over the coming summer months and beyond.

Opening the consultation, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone said, “It has always been my experience that young people are the best architects of the solutions to address the challenges in their lives. COVID-19 is impacting on young people’s lives in many ways and now my Department wants to hear directly from them about what these impacts are and what might improve their situation as we continue to live alongside COVID-19.”

The consultation, hosted on, is open to all young people between the ages of 15 and 24 and will remain open from 24 June to 3 July. A Youth Advisory Group* designed and piloted the consultation questions and decided on the title; How’s Your Head – Young Voices during COVID-19.

Since the onset of COVID-19, and its related restrictions, concerns have been increasing about its impact on the mental health and well-being of young people. Research findings and reports from those in the youth sector indicate that young people are one of the groups most impacted. The consultation will help to deepen the understanding of how young people have experienced life during COVID-19. It will also provide valuable information that will influence our decision-making on how society can respond during the next period of living with COVID-19.
The findings from the consultation will be documented to inform relevant service design and delivery for young people. It will also assist Government in developing other appropriate policy responses on the issues raised by young people, supporting an informed, whole of society response to COVID-19 as relevant to the lives of young people.

A group of key stakeholders representing the National Youth Council of Ireland, health services, and research experts are working with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to oversee the consultation and to ensure findings from the process are listened to and responded to in a timely and appropriate manner.

*Note: Members of the Youth Advisory Group come from across the country, range in age between 15 – 24 years and are nominated through a range of youth groups and organisations including Comhairle na nÓg, Foroige, Youth Work Ireland, and the National Youth Council of Ireland.

Please click on the link below to access the survey

Parents Centre – An Information Platform for Parents

The Parenting Support Policy Unit launched Parents Centre, an information platform for parents, in May. The platform is hosted on and brings together new and existing resources that parents may find helpful. Parents Centre helps parents access reliable information and support quickly.

National Be Active Day Sunday 28th June

Check out the Meath Local Sports Partnership Facebook page for simple games to play

All you will need to do in order to be a part of BeActive is:

Pick an Activity 

Get your household together and pick an activity. You can play the games included on the Meath Local Sports Partnership Facebook page or make up your own, go for a walk or a cycle. No matter what you do, you must be active for 60 minutes!

When and Where

Pick a time that suits you and where you are going to be active – indoors, outdoors, in your back garden or local park?

Be Active 

Get everything you need ready and enjoy the games. You can  take part for fun or why not make it competitive and track the scores on the score sheet provided!

Celebrate and Share

Share a photo of your activity or games with us on social media. Tag @SportIreland on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and @MeathLocalSportsPartnership and don’t forget to use #NationalBeActiveDay

BeActive Day

Edition 11 of the Meath CFSN Newsletter – Local Service Delivery During Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 11th edition of the Meath Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 22nd June, 2020.

Meath Child and Family Support Network Service delivery 11th Edition


Family Addiction Support Network Press Release

Family Addiction Support Network (FASN) shut down it’s services at Lios Dubh on 12th March in line with the COVID19 Government Guidelines but more than ever families needed support. As a result, FASN developed online services for family members impacted by a loved one’s substance misuse using a fully GDPR compliant communications platform as best practice.

What we are experiencing from supporting Family Members is the increased worry and psychological stress, strain on family relationships, intimidating behaviour by a loved one’s addiction, financial burden of supporting drug user to buy drugs, impact on mental health from stress and worry of lockdown and caring responsibilities, isolation and loss of social life.

Our fundraising activities have all been cancelled due to Government Guidelines leaving us with no core funding and no fundraising activities in which to carry on supporting families and communities impacted by the increase in home drinking, domestic violence, isolation and threats of drug related intimidation amid this pandemic.

Following our Stop the Stigma event on 24th February, Sinead Hussey RTE contacted the FASN to conduct an interview to shine a light on the work of volunteers responding to the drugs issue within their community in the North East.

The interview took place at our premises in Lios Dubh, Dundalk on 12th June. Please click on the link below to access the news item featured on yesterdays 6pm RTE News. 


Cultúr Migrant Centre Navan – Anti Racism Campaign

Cultúr is organising a Virtual Anti-Racism Campaign. We are asking for a social media show of solidarity Against Racism by individuals, local organisations and businesses.

What we are asking you to do is:

  • Send us a picture/ sign with the following hashtags #IStandWCultúrNavanAgainstRacism, #DontBeABystander. You can either send us the standalone sign with your logo, or a picture of a staff member holding the sign. We know that some people might be camera shy!
  • We will be launching the campaign on 22 June 2020 and sharing the images we receive on Facebook – Cultúr Migrants Centre , Twitter – @CulturIreland and Instagram – Cultur Ireland and our website from the day. Please share the image on your own social media page using the aforementioned hashtags along with whatever message of solidarity you would like to promote.
  • We will also be hosting an online AntiRacism Event “Hear Our Voices, Racism is Our Experience” on Friday 26th June 2020 @ 3pm. If you would like to register follow this link

Edition 11 of the Louth CFSN Newsletter – Local Service Delivery During Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 11th edition of the Louth Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 19th June, 2020.

Edition 11 Louth Child and Family Support Network Service delivery update 19.06.2020


DCYA PRESS RELEASE: Minister Zappone launches Supporting Children campaign. Campaign encourages everyone to be mindful of vulnerable children and young people in these challenging times

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone, has today launched Supporting Children, a campaign to encourage everyone to be mindful of vulnerable children and young people in these challenging times. The Supporting Children campaign includes the launch of a new website, which will be an information hub for children, young people and their families on how to access the many supports and services provided by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA), Tusla, the Child and Family Agency and their funded organisations.

To access this information hub please click on the link below


Edition 10 of the Meath CFSN Newsletter – Local Service Delivery During Covid 19

Please click on the link below for the 10th edition of the Meath Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Newsletter, which provides details of Local Service Delivery During Covid 19. Please note that the information is up to date as of 15th June, 2020.

Meath Child and Family Support Network Service delivery 10th Edition

Resource Pack For Children & Young People

Please click on the link below to access the resource pack for children and young people which was developed by the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership. This resource is up to date as of 29th May, 2020.

C&YP Resource Pack – May 2020