In 2017, Navan School Completion Programme (NSCP) staff team with the support of Meath CYPSC, LMETB and Meath Springboard Family Support Services developed a workbook called;

“Mind the Gap” Transition Steps from Primary to Post Primary

The main aim of the workbook and its associated video is to assist young people successfully transfer from primary to secondary school. It encompasses exercises to help pupils negotiate second level time tables, teacher expectations, new environments and the journey from established social groups into new social relations.

In light of existing COVID 19 restrictions and in response to the needs of 6th Class pupils during this time, the Mind The Gap Steering Committee have taken the generous decision to continue to make the successful Workbook available online as a pdf. Please click on the link below to access the Mind The Gap Workbook.

Navan School Completion Programme MindtheGap Workbook

Hard copies of the Mind the Gap Workbook are available and can be ordered through [email protected]. The workbooks are very reasonably priced at €2 each to facilitate mass distribution. The Mind the Gap Steering Committee note from their experience that children absorb the learning best when completing hard copy material.

The online video resource that accompanies the workbook can be accessed by clicking on the following link:


Exciting Instagram Campaign with Meath Jigsaw

The Youth Advisory Panel (volunteers aged 16 to 25) from Jigsaw Meath will begin an Instagram campaign on Wednesday the 7th of April to promote the message of 5 a day for mental health. Each Youth Advisory Panel member will use an app called 1 Second Everyday: Video Diary to record 1 second a day for 5 days representing each of the 5 a day for mental health (connect, take notice, be active, keep learning and give). At the end of the 5 days each member will have their own 5 second video that will have each of the 5 a day represented. These will be posted daily to our Jigsaw Meath Instagram page as a challenge.

If you have any questions in relation to this please contact Emma Prunty, Youth and Community Engagement Worker, Jigsaw Meath, on 046 9071702.

Meath Local Sports Partnership Virtual Easter Camp

Virtual Easter Camp
The Community Sports Hub is running a FREE virtual Multi-Sport Easter Camp from Wednesday 7th – Friday 9th April, Via zoom.
Activities include: Fun Games, Soccer, GAA, Circuits, Dance and many more
Please are limited and are on a first come first served basis, please see details of the camp below and information on how to book a place.
Venue: On zoom
Date: Wednesday 7th April – Friday 9th April
Time: 10am – 12pm
How to book: Contact Una on [email protected]
Cost: Free

East Coast Family Resource Centre: Online Parent and Toddler Workshops

Click on the poster below for information on two Online Parent and Toddler Workshops hosted by the East Coast FRC, commencing on 16th April and 23rd April respectively.


Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and National Drugs Strategy commits to implementing the recommendations on drugs services from the scoping report on community safety and wellbeing in Drogheda

Click on the link below for further information:


Minister O’Gorman launches an online consultation on the development of a national model of parenting support services

Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, T.D., has this week launched a public consultation on the development of a national model of parenting support services. The consultation will be open until 16th April 2021.

The aim of the model is to develop a more coherent and strategic approach to the development and delivery of parenting support services so that all parents can access the support they need when they need it.

Minister O’Gorman said: “I am delighted to announce the details for this public consultation on the development of a national model of parenting support services. The aim of this consultation is to gather a wide range of thoughts and ideas on improving parenting support services for all parents. This provides an important opportunity for anyone with an interest in parenting supports, from parents to service providers, to help shape the future of service development and delivery”.

For further information and to participate in the consultation, please see here.


Note for Editors:

Parenting support is defined as the provision of information and services aimed at strengthening parents’ knowledge, confidence and skills to help achieve the best outcomes for children and their families.

More information on the project to develop a national model of parenting support services can be found here.

Foróige and CYPSC Launch “The COVID Word” Online Campaign

This is a social media campaign created in collaboration with young people from South Dublin, Sligo and Leitrim and in a partnership between Foróige and Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC). No two Covid-19 lived experiences are the same; we all have to navigate in unchartered emotional terrain – without a compass. In this uncertainty, it helps simply knowing you’re not alone.

There is immense power in peer community support – to cope through tough times, and make good times even brighter. While young people need our support, they also possess their own hopeful power and wisdom.  As experts in their own lives this campaign uncovers and shares their thoughts and ideas.

Through youth voices, this campaign by young people for young people helps acknowledge and manage losses while recognising personal power to live well through current circumstances and boost individual and collective resilience in 2021.

The messages delivered through this campaign and the look and feel of the campaign were developed by Ireland’s young people during workshops carried out by Foróige youth workers on behalf of Sligo Leitrim CYPSC and South Dublin CYPSC.  The campaign will run for 5 weeks from 24th February to 24th March on TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Click here for more information on THE COVID WORD Campaign

More information on local supports can be found via your County CYPSC

Keep Well Programme – Grow It Forward 2021

Click on the link below for details of the Grow It Forward 2021 initiative, which was launched today 23rd March. This initiative is part of the Keep Well campaign and funded by Sláintecare, through the Healthy Ireland fund.


Trim Family Resource Centre Easter Camp for Under 6s

Click on the poster below for further information.


Launch of Jigsaw Digital School Hub – New Mental Health and Wellbeing Resource for Schools

Jigsaw, the youth mental health charity, have launched the Jigsaw Schools Hub. A new resource offering schools across Ireland the latest tools and information to help them support young people’s mental health and wellbeing.  Our Jigsaw Schools Hub offers schools across Ireland the latest tools and information to help them support young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

At www.jigsaw.ie/schools you will find a growing range of resources for school staff, created in collaboration with young people, school staff, and parents.
The resources can contribute to supporting the delivery of the mental health and wellbeing curriculum and they have been tailored to support school staff and students during the Covid-19 pandemic.
What you will find…

  • An ‘Introduction to youth mental health’ toolkit to help school staff to explore mental health and wellbeing with young people in the classroom. Young people will creatively learn about their mental health and wellbeing, including a focus on what can support and challenge mental health, ways to manage feelings, and how to seek help if and when it is needed.
  • Ways to support school staff to look after their own mental health. As school staff support young people, it is important for them to take the time for self-care and to look after their own wellbeing too.
  • What school leaders can do to create a whole-school approach that supports staff and students with their mental health and wellbeing. This will support school leaders to consider what a whole-school approach to mental health means, and how it can help schools promote and support mental health and wellbeing.

Why the Jigsaw Schools Hub?
“We know that schools and their staff do hugely important and amazing work in helping to support young people’s mental health and in the Covid-19 pandemic we know that this has become much harder. On top of all this, school staff are facing greater demands. This is why, with the support of Rethink Ireland through the Innovate Together Fund, I am delighted to be launching The Jigsaw Schools Hub, with vital mental health and wellbeing resources to support educators at this uniquely difficult time. We believe it will grow to become an indispensable resource that will contribute in the delivery of wellbeing as part of the school curriculum, and help schools and their staff in the hugely important role we know they play in supporting young people’s mental health.”  Joseph Duffy, Jigsaw Chief Executive Officer.

Jigsaw has been working with schools and local communities from the day we were founded in 2006. We know that a young person’s experience at school can shape the course of the rest of their lives.

Our My World Survey research has shown that school teachers are the most frequent informal source of support used by adolescents for their mental health. And we know that there is a demand amongst teachers for quality online resources to help them support the mental health and wellbeing of their students. Yet teachers often feel they don’t have the resources they need.

At the Jigsaw Schools Hub we now have a growing range of up-to-date resources, tools and information to help school staff support young people’s mental health and wellbeing.  The Jigsaw Schools Hub is supported by Rethink Ireland through the Innovate Together Fund, a collaboration between Rethink Ireland and the Department of Rural and Community Development (via the Dormant Accounts Fund).

Find out more at www.jigsaw.ie/schools