Trim Family Resource Centre: Level Up Programme 2023

LEVEL UP is a programme for young people, who are currently out of employment or education and are in need of extra support in the Trim and South Meath Area.

The programme is open to young people aged between 16 and 24 years. The programme will be based on the needs of the individual young person and will include a variety of activities, training and of course work experience which will enhance their C.V. The Project will help young people who find it hard to bridge the gap between leaving school and seeking employment, education or further training. In the past Level Up has supported young people with job searching, C.V. preparation, skills training, transport, accredited courses, problem solving, work experience, school completion support, mindfulness courses and music lessons to name a few.

This is a voluntary personal development programme, which is strengths-based, non-judgemental and FREE. Get in touch if you know of any young person who may benefit from this programme or if you need any further information with Jackie Horan, Level-Up Coordinator – ph: 087 3898818, email: [email protected].

CyberSafeKids Same Rules Apply – Online Safety Campaign for Parents

CyberSafeKids are delighted to let you know about their new online safety parental awareness campaign, Same Rules Apply, which will run over the next three weeks, and was launched yesterday in partnership with the National Parents Council, Irish Examiner and kindly supported by Accenture.

For more information on the Same Rules Apply campaign click on the link below:


There is an upcoming information and awareness workshop in Trim FRC for parents and caregivers concerned about their child’s behaviour. Please click on the flyer below for more information:

The programme is open to any families in Meath with a child aged 3-7, and families do not require a diagnosis of ADHD to avail of the programme. See attached a general leaflet on the programme as well as a referral form.

General Leaflet Changing Lives Initiative

Referral Form Changing Lives Initiative

Free Safer Internet Day Presentations available for Primary and Post-Primary Schools

Safer Internet Day takes place today Tuesday, February 7th 2023. Free Safer Internet Day Presentations are available from Webwise for Primary and Post-Primary level. These include Primary school presentations for use with 1st and 2nd class, 3rd and 4th class, and 5th and 6th class. The Post-Primary level presentation explore topics including News, Information and the Problems of False Information; Managing Your Online Wellbeing; Respectful Communication Online; Self-Esteem Online – The Full Picture.

Please click on the link below to access the presentations:

Trim FRC February 2023 – Upcoming Events

Click on the link below for information regarding upcoming events in Trim Family Resource Centre (FRC) during February 2023:

Trim FRC 2023 February-Monthly

Non-Violent Resistance Programme for parents who experience child to parent violence at home

Trim Family Resource Centre and SMART Project are planning to run a Non-Violent Resistance Programme for parents who experience child to parent violence at home.

Non Violent Resistance programme helps to empower parents to take positive action to end the violent and controlling behaviours. The programme has proven to be effective for many families where young people are controlling, violent or abusive towards their parents/ carers. Prior registration is required – closing date for registration is 6th February 2023.

An introductory one to one session with parents will take place during the month of February and group sessions will start on 1st March 2023. The programme will run for 8 weeks every Wednesday (excluding Easter school holidays) and will be facilitated by Trim Family Resource Centre and SMART Project. Location and times will be confirmed at a later stage and depending on suitability to those who wish to attend.

Contact Justyna on 046 9438850/ [email protected] for more information or to register.

New to Meath: Information for new members of our community

In partnership with Meath County Council Community Department and Meath Library Service the New to Meath booklet provides the most up to date information to anyone who has recently moved to Meath. To access the booklet click on the link below:

Although not exhaustive the guide provides information and advice on the various agencies in Meath and nationwide to assist you in settling into the county.

The publication of this guide has been funded by the National Integration Fund and Meath County Council.

The Changing Lives Initiative: An Early Approach to ADHD

There are a number of upcoming information and awareness workshops in Co. Meath for parents and caregivers concerned about their child’s behaviour. Please click on the flyer below for dates and venues:

The programme is open to any families in Louth or Meath with a child aged 3-7, and families do not require a diagnosis of ADHD to avail of the programme. See attached a general leaflet on the programme as well as a referral form.

General Leaflet Changing Lives Initiative

Referral Form Changing Lives Initiative



Beyond NEET(D)s Project Know-How Exchange Forum

Meath Partnership’s Beyond NEET(D)s Project Know-How Exchange Forum will take place in our Kells office on Wednesday, February 1st, 2023. The Beyond NEET(D)s project is aimed at people who are not in education, employment, or training (“NEETs”) or who are completely disengaged.

This event is suitable for any persons who work with, or aspire to work with, young people.

The Future is NEET – so how can we best engage young people in transformative learning experiences?

Join us from 9.30am – 1pm to learn about our project’s free resources and how they can be applied when working with young people, take part in discussion groups to exchange experiences and successful approaches, and network with other professionals. There will be guest speakers and refreshments on the day.

If you would like to join, or know of anyone who would be interested in coming along, registration can be completed via this link:

For more information please contact [email protected] or call 085-8526291


Sustainability in Sport Information Morning on Saturday 28th January

Meath Local Sports Partnership are delighted to be part of this exciting new initiative promoting sustainability in sport. Sports clubs have a high level influence on their local community and do serve as role models within their communities. Ensuring that your club is more sustainable can have the potential to inspire your club members and the local community to become more conscious of their impact not only within their club but on the local environment.

Given that sustainability is one of the key issues facing us on a global scale, affecting a wide range of social, environmental, and economic issues; these are also significant issues for the sports community, both in terms of day-to-day operations and duties to our young people and future generations. Sport has an unrivalled ability to encourage and inspire enormous numbers of people whether that is on a local, national or international level.

Our “Sustainability in Sport” information morning  on the 28th January will showcase to local clubs how they can make their club more sustainable and in doing so, meeting some of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Speakers in attendance will present local case studies as well as presenting what is happening on a national/international stage. Why not come along on the morning, hear how other clubs are managing their approach to sustainability and the benefits they have accrued from that approach?

If you are interested in attending, please register at: