Meath Local Sports Partnership E-Newsletter for Summer 2023
The latest Meath LSP E-Newsletter for Summer 2023 is now available! Packed full of news, updates and upcoming events.
Click here to view: Meath LSP Summer Ezine 2023
The latest Meath LSP E-Newsletter for Summer 2023 is now available! Packed full of news, updates and upcoming events.
Click here to view: Meath LSP Summer Ezine 2023
Anam Cara North Dublin Online and Face to Face Parent Evening
These meetings give bereaved parents a safe and comfortable space in which to remember their child.
Our Face-to-Face meeting for North Dublin will be taking place on Wednesday 21st June at 7.15 in the Hilton Hotel, Clare Hall, Northern Cross, Malahide Rd.
Our online meeting for Anam Cara North Dublin will take place Monday 26th June at 7pm. Both these meetings will be hosted by Bernie Matthews.
If you know any bereaved parents who would like to join either of these meetings, please get them to contact us on 085 288 8888 or As always Anam Cara offer their services free of charge for as long as needed.
The National Social Inclusion Office: Health Service Executive, will host the second ‘Parent’s Matter’ on the 21st of June from 7:00pm – 8:00pm.
The aim of the series is to hold a number of events to help empower parents on delivering drug education and prevention within the home. The June webinar will focus on increased socialisation during the summer months to support parents’ concerns.
A series of topics will be covered relating to adolescence and development, substance use among teen and drug prevention and education.
This online event will support parents to understand:
More information and registration can be found at
On Friday, 16th June Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, announced €1,300,000 in funding for the Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC). The new funding model aims to enable the CYPSC to enhance and expand their delivery of support services to children, young people and families in the International Protection system. Under this model, up to €50,000 was made available to each of the 27 CYPSC for the 2023 period. Proposals were received for a broad range of initiatives to run at local and national level including:
Welcoming the announcement, Minister O’Gorman said:
“A Cornerstone of A White Paper to End Direct Provision is a focus on meeting the needs of children, young people and families in the International Protection system through the provision of targeted supports. The launch of this new funding model will help enhance those supports by bolstering the good work already being carried out by the Children and Young People’s Services Committees, enabling them to progress new initiatives and expand their delivery of services to International Protection applicants.”
Registrations are now OPEN for FREE Online Summer Art Camp, specially designed for teens (age 13-15) living with a lifelong physcial health condition. Helium Arts are so excited to bring back our ONLINE workshops so more young people can join in with a free Helium Arts workshop from home or even from their hospital bed!
Artist, Emma Fisher, will deliver a 3 day animation and storytelling camp, July 4th, 5th & 6th with morning and afternoon times available. Online Zoom registration and link to be provided. You will receive everything you need, in advance of the camp, through activity sheets dropped in your inbox with step-by-step guides, surprise postal drops, art materials and virtual sharing.
About Our Camps
Helium Arts offer free, specially designed art workshops for children and young people living with a lifelong physical health condition. A lifelong physical health condition is one which can be treated and managed but usually not cured. Examples include diabetes, epilepsy, cystic fibrosis, allergies, heart conditions, chronic asthma, spina bifida, juvenile arthritis, rare or complex conditions and many more.
Living with a lifelong physical health conditions is hard. Children can face loneliness, stress, anxiety, and feel defined by their condition. They experience: stigma associated with their condition, social isolation, loneliness and fewer quality friendships. Our camps are a great opportunity for these children to not only explore their creativity but also to make new friends, learn new life skills, grow in confidence and self-esteem and have fun.
Click on the link below for information regarding upcoming events in Trim Family Resource Centre (FRC) during June 2023.
In 2017, Navan School Completion Programme (NSCP) staff team with the support of Meath CYPSC, LMETB and Meath Springboard Family Support Services developed a workbook called;
“Mind the Gap” Transition Steps from Primary to Post Primary
The main aim of the workbook and its associated video is to assist young people successfully transfer from primary to secondary school. It encompasses exercises to help pupils negotiate second level time tables, teacher expectations, new environments and the journey from established social groups into new social relations.
In response to the needs of 6th Class pupils during this time of the academic year, the Mind The Gap Steering Committee have taken the generous decision to continue to make the successful Workbook available online as a pdf. Please click on the link below to access the Mind The Gap Workbook.
Navan School Completion Programme MindtheGap Workbook
Hard copies of the Mind the Gap Workbook are available and can be ordered through The workbooks are very reasonably priced at €2 each to facilitate mass distribution. The Mind the Gap Steering Committee note from their experience that children absorb the learning best when completing hard copy material.
The online video resource that accompanies the workbook can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
The Changing Lives Initiative has upcoming information and awareness workshops in Trim FRC and Ashbourne Town Library for parents and caregivers concerned about their child’s behaviour. Please click on the flyer below for more information:
The programme is open to any families in Meath with a child aged 3-7, and families do not require a diagnosis of ADHD to avail of the programme. See attached a general leaflet on the programme as well as a referral form.
To coincide with World No Tobacco Day 2023 – 31st May, the HSE Meath Health Promotion and Improvement (HP&I) team are delighted to announce the start of a new stop smoking service in County Meath. Improving the health and wellbeing of Ireland’s population continues to be a national priority and a key element of Sláintecare reform. The HSE Health Promotion and Improvement team are delivering stop smoking services in a continued effort to support a Tobacco Free Ireland. More information can be found here about the Tobacco Free Ireland Programme.
HSE Stop Smoking Programme
We aim to reduce the long term health impact caused by smoking through a client focused, structured standard treatment programme which includes one to one support – face to face, online or over the phone. The HSE Stop Smoking Programme provides intensive behavioural support delivered over a minimum of 9 sessions. Clients may be eligible up to 12 weeks FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT, medical card holders can access FREE NRT via their GP.)
How to Refer?
Our stop smoking clinics are open to everyone and referrals can be made in a number of ways:
Location of clinics
Face to Face clinics are currently being held weekly in Kells and Navan.
Supporting people to stop smoking
We hope by Making Every Contact Count (MECC) you and your team can encourage people to make healthier choices and inform them about or refer them to our service.
The next Meath Operation Rainbow LGBTQ+ Public Information Evening is on Tuesday, 30 May 2023 at 7:30pm in Kells Library.
The evening is to provide a supportive space to educate and inform anyone engaging and interacting with young people. All welcome, no booking required.
More information on the Meath County Council website:
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