Barnardos Plugged in switched off Webinar – Pros/Cons of Gaming

Barnardos would like to invite you to the third webinar in their Plugged in Switched off series on Wednesday, 17th of May at 10.00-11.30.

Based on feedback from last year’s event, this year Barnardos are focusing on the topic of gaming. At our 90 minute webinar, we will hear insights from the Barnardos Online Safety Programme as well as from young people from the Webwise Youth Advisory Panel who will give their take on pros and cons of gaming.

The gaming industry (Roblox/PEGI)  will also be there to showcase their latest safety settings and we will also hear from our key note speaker, Richard Hogan (Psychotherapist and author of Parenting the Screenager). A lively panel discussion will finish off the event and it will be moderated by Anton Savage.

The event is free but you need to register here.


Trim Family Resource Centre May 2023 Newsletter

Click on the link below for information regarding upcoming events in Trim Family Resource Centre (FRC) during May 2023.

Trim FRC May 2023 Newsletter

Youth Basketball Initiative in Navan Starting Monday 15th May

Meath Local Sports Partnership, Involve Youth Meath & Basketball Ireland are running a 4 week Basketball programme for young people.

This programme will be fun, will contain games, drills, skills and matches and be delivered over 4 weeks by qualified coaches from Meath LSP & Basketball Ireland. Participants will be given the option to complete some leadership training and take part in a second 4 week programme over the summer.
Anyone aged 10-17 years, boys or girls, interested in taking part please email [email protected]. Click on the poster below for more information.

Kells Foroige Youth Café Celebrates a successful First Year in Operation

Kells Foroige Youth Café is a volunteer led youth club held in Kells Family Resource Centre. We meet once a week on Mondays from 6.30 to 8pm. We promote inclusion, socialisation, equality and active participation.  All young people from Kells and surrounding areas can attend the Youth Cafe. We have young people from all back grounds and ethnicities and members of the LGBTQ+ Community.

On April 25th 2022, with the help of volunteers and the staff of Kells Family Resource Centre, we opened the doors of what was then Kells Youth Café. As we grew we affiliated ourselves with Foroige as they provided a number of supports which hugely benefit the club. The club opened all summer and continued into this year. We are delighted that on our first birthday we have over 40 young people registered and have an average of 25 young people each week. The club has their own Youth Committee.

During the Cafe we have a range of games and activities for the young people to take part in. We play video games, pool, table tennis, arts and crafts and board games. The young people can make toasties, eat fruit and have drinks. We also have a chill out space for young people to relax and chat.  Each session costs €2 per child. We have a €10 registration fee each November. The club is run entirely on subsidies and grants.

We run specific activities when funding allows us. At the moment we are creating an outdoor art mural that will be placed in the town. We took part in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. As we are affiliated with Foroige, we join the interclub events which are organised by the Foroige Clubs in the County which are brought together by the Foroige Meath District Council. We also plan our own trips on occasion eg. Last summer we made a trip to Causey Farm.

Volunteers are an integral part of the club and we welcome anyone who may have something to offer. Giving your time is most beneficial but if you have a skill you can share with us we would really appreciate that. Please get in touch on any of our social media @kellsyouthcafe.

Funding for this initiative was provided through Meath CYPSC BOBF Funding.

Understanding Anxiety & Supporting my Child – webinar for parents and guardians

In collaboration with our partners in Meath and Kildare Children and Young People’s Services Committees, Archways are delighted to invite parents and guardians to attend a free live webinar “Understanding Anxiety & Supporting my Child”, taking place on Tuesday, the 16th of May 2023.


This 90 minute webinar will take place twice on this date, in the morning from 11.00am – 12.30pm, and in the evening from 7.00pm – 8.30pm, so if you are interested in attending, you can register for the time that suits you best.


To book a place at the morning webinar taking place from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm, please click here.


To book a place at the evening webinar taking place from 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm, please click here.


The webinar aims to help parents and guardians of children from birth to 18 years to:

  • Understand the difference between worry, stress and anxiety
  • Develop an understanding of how worry, stress and anxiety can affect children and young people
  • Develop tools and strategies to support children and young people
  • Better understand factors which affect and influence children’s development
  • Explore self-care tools and strategies


This will be hosted via Zoom webinar, and a link to access the webinar will be sent to attendees in advance of the date.


This webinar is kindly funded by basis.point.

Meath Local Sports Partnership E-Newsletter for Spring/Summer 2023

The latest Meath Local Sports Partnership E-Newsletter for Spring/Summer 2023 is now available! Packed full of news, updates and upcoming events.

Click here to view: Meath LSP Spring/Summer Ezine 2023

Trim Family Resource Centre April 2023 Newsletter

Click on the link below for information regarding upcoming events in Trim Family Resource Centre (FRC) during April 2023.

Trim FRC April-Monthly-Newsletter

Launch of Meath Emotionally Based School Avoidance Resource Pack

On 1st March, 2023, a webinar was held to launch the Meath Emotionally Based School Avoidance Resource Pack. The Meath School Avoidance Working Group (coordinated through the Meath CYPSC – Children and Young People’s Services Committee), alongside our colleagues in NEPS (National Educational Psychology Service), HSE Primary Care Psychology, HSE CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), TESS (Tusla Education Support Service), HSE and Enable Ireland Disability Services, Meath CFSNs (Child and Family Support Networks), and a number of community based services worked in collaboration to develop a ‘School Avoidance Resource Pack’ to deliver to schools across the county.

The webinar targeted Principals and Vice-Principals of Primary and Secondary schools in Co. Meath, and involved the above services speaking briefly about the service they offer, their role in relation to school avoidance and guidance regarding accessing this service for a student engaging in school avoidance. There was also an opportunity for a Question & Answers session at the end.

Further to the webinar, copies of the Meath School Avoidance Resource Pack were delivered to all schools in Co. Meath. The resource pack has been designed to provide schools, students and parents/guardians/carers with a School Avoidance Pathway. The pathway was developed by services working with young people who are experiencing difficulties attending school for various reasons. It is hoped that this pathway and resource pack will provide a guide for schools and parents/guardians/carers on the best way to manage school avoidance and the relevant services that may be of assistance.

Click on the link below to access the ebook of the Meath School Avoidance Resource Pack.

This initiative was funded by Meath CYPSC from the DCEDIY BOBF Fund 2022/2023.

Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2023 – DEADLINE EXTENDED to Friday, 14th April at 5pm

Under the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (incorporating the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups), one-off grants are being made available to local youth clubs/groups to assist with their development needs including supporting administration, programme and services costs.

Louth and Meath Youth Clubs/Groups are invited to apply for one-off funding under the following:  Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2023

Application form may be downloaded from LMETB website:

Deadline for receipt of completed application forms has being extended. The new date for submission of applications is now Friday, 14th April at 5pm.

 Applications will only be accepted through email and submitted to: [email protected]

Postal applications will not be accepted

 Applications received after this date will not be considered in any circumstances.

StayOn Project: Free Gel Polish Workshop for Young People aged 20-29

Meath Partnership are offering a free Gel Polish Workshop as part of the StayOn project to young people aged 20-29 who are not currently in employment. The workshop will take place from April 11th – 13th with experts from Vanilla Beauty, and is suitable for beginners. Each participant will receive an instruction manual, a professional kit & LED Light, a recognised certificate and coaching support.

Please click on the poster below for more information and relevant contact details.