Louth Meath Mental Health Calendar for April 2024
Please click on the link below for information
To access training: https://bookwhen.com/suicidepreventiontraininglouthmeath
Please click on the link below for information
To access training: https://bookwhen.com/suicidepreventiontraininglouthmeath
The April – May 2024 Edition of the Healthy Meath Newsletter is now available here
Click on the link below to see a copy of our April 2024 newsletter outlining the programmes and groups we have in place that will be of interest to families.
Click on poster link below regarding an upcoming coffee morning to celebrate World Autism Day from Meath Autism Network on Tuesday the 2nd of April at 10am in An Tobar Adrbraccan.
Alcohol Forum Ireland (AFI) is delighted to announce their ‘Webinar Wednesdays’ series for 2024. More topics & more excellent speakers to be announced, with a mix of topics relevant to those working in treatment, family support, public health, community action & prevention. AFI works across all of these workstreams and so our series will reflect this diversity. These are short 90minute webinars which will run from 10-11.30am.
Our first Webinar Wednesday takes place on Wednesday, April 3rd and is hosted by our family support team. It will be an opportunity to highlight the supports and programmes we have available and to share what we have learned over 15 years delivering supports to families. Our model of work recognises that alcohol use issues impact on the whole family; children, spouses and wider family networks. We are delighted to have Jennifer McKinney working with us to deliver this online training. Jennifer is a lecturer in Queens University Belfast and is a systemic psychotherapist with over 20 years working with children and families and currently specialising in trauma.
There is a real need for families & children to be seen, supported & involved in the areas of treatment, recovery and family support. To book a place on this or any of our webinars, simply email [email protected] indicating which date you would like to attend. After registering, you will receive a link for the webinar.
The HSE has announced on 19th March details of an MMR catch-up campaign to protect against measles due to a rise in cases of the disease in the UK and Europe.
Dr Lucy Jessop, Director of the HSE National Immunisation Office, explained:
“Measles is highly infectious and can be an acute and serious infection. It causes a rash illness, with cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis and high fever. Complications of measles include ear infections, pneumonia, febrile seizures and less commonly encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and even death.
The only protection against measles is vaccination. Two doses of MMR vaccine are needed and if a child or young adult is not fully protected then MMR vaccines can be obtained from your GP or HSE Vaccination Clinic.”
The campaign focuses on delivering the MMR vaccine to key groups, who may have missed their vaccines in the past:
How to get your vaccine
MMR vaccines are available free of charge from GPs to all groups, but primarily to those under 18 years, and from HSE community clinics for everyone eligible who is aged 5 years and over. A list of Vaccination Clinics is available here: https://www2.hse.ie/services/mmr-vaccine/vaccination-clinics.
To book an appointment, visit: https://www2.hse.ie/services/mmr-vaccine/book-an-appointment.
Some walk-in appointments are also available.
Additionally, the HSE will also provide targeted clinics for specific groups including students and young people in education settings, underserved groups including refugees, applicants seeking protection and other minority groups.
Information on who should get the MMR catch up vaccine and how to access it is available on www.hse.ie.
Click on the attached link for the Menopause Guide, which is available from Mental Health Ireland:
Click on the poster link below to access Events and Notices from our Community:
To celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th of March Kells Family Resource has a number of activities organised to celebrate women in our community. To register please click the link: www.kellsfrc.ie/internationalwomensday.
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