Trim FRC November Newsletter

Click on the link below to see a copy of our latest newsletter outlining the programmes and groups we have in place that will be of interest to families.


Introduction to Self-Harm Online Workshop 16.11.23


16th November 2023 at 10am


This workshop is suitable for those who seek to develop their awareness, knowledge and understanding of self-harm behaviour.

The ‘Introduction’ workshop is non-clinical and aims to covers the following elements:

  • personal attitudes, concerns, questions in relation to self harm behaviour
  • information on the various methods and types of self-harm
  • the feelings and causes which may lead people to engage in self harm behaviour
  • helpful and non-helpful responses in caring and supporting those engaging in self-harm behaviour
  • provision of initial support and signposting to appropriate and relevant services.

Attendance Details:

  • Registration can be completed by clicking the link:
  • Time:   The length of the workshop is 2 hours with a 10 minute refreshment interval.
  • Delivery is via online using Zoom.   Training slides will be presented by the Facilitator and supporting documentation will be forwarded after the workshop.
  • Technical requirements:  For optimum access to the workshop, it is recommended that a Laptop/PC/Mac with camera and microphones are used by all participants.
  • Log in details will be provided prior to the workshop.

For safety reasons, it is a requirement that all participants are visible for the entire workshop, i.e. cameras must be turned on.   This will be advised and reiterated at the beginning and during the workshop by the Facilitator.   Whilst it is acknowledged that this may be an issue for some people, it is suggested that it may then be worth considering if the timing is right for your participation in the workshop.  Alternative workshop dates are advised on

ICBN Bereaved Children’s Awareness Week | 13-17 November 2023

Every November, the Irish Childhood Bereavement Network (ICBN) organise a series of awareness raising events across Ireland to highlight bereaved children’s needs and provide a voice for them to be heard. There will be a number of webinars for professionals exploring a range of issues facing bereaved children and highlighting ways for adults to provide appropriate compassionate support. There will also be online support session for parents and carers, as well as a media campaign and a range of local and regional events delivered by members and friends of ICBN.

For more information please click on the following link:


Advanced Manufacturing NFQ Level 4 Course in FIT (Starting November 2023)

FIT in Dunshaughlin, Meath will be running an Advanced Manufacturing NFQ Level 4 course in November. Please click on the attached flyer for more information:

Dunshaughlin NFQ Level 4 Flyer


Below is a link to apply on their website

November Support for Bereaved Parents at Anam Cara Midlands – Mullingar Park Hotel – Weds 8th November 2023 @ 7.20pm

On behalf of the Anam Cara Midlands group, we wanted to let you know there is a meeting for bereaved parents on Wednesday, 8th November at 7.20pm in the Mullingar Park Hotel, N91 A4EP. Anam Cara is open to all bereaved parents, after the death of their child, regardless of age and through all circumstances. This evening gives them a chance to drop in and join our informal meeting, be in the company of other parents, who understand the journey of grief and loss they are going through.

Please see attached flyer for more information.

Midlands Promo_pdf

Longford Westmeath CYPSC Parenting Webinar Series November 2023

Following their hugely successful parenting webinar series last year, the Longford Westmeath (LW) CYPSC Parenting Webinar Series returns this November 2023. Hosted by Athlone Family Resource Centre, as part of the LW CYPSC Family Wellness Initiative, the webinar series with Gráinne Powell (see bio attached) will run over four weeks, commencing on 8th November. A webinar will run each Wednesday from 7pm to 8:30pm. The series is aimed at parents of children aged 0 – 18 years and professionals in the social care field who support parents and families through their work. Pre-registration is not required.

Participants can log on each week using the zoom links which are available in the attached pdf or by clicking on the individual webinar titles below.

LW CYPSC Parenting Webinar Series 2023

Parenting Webinar Series Nov 2023 – Gráinne Powell Bio


8th November, 7pm : Webinar 1 – Healthy Happy Homes: Reducing Family Conflict


15th November, 7pm: Webinar 2 – Coping with Change & Managing Anxiety in Children


22nd November,7pm: Webinar 3 – Parenting Teens through Risky Times


29th November,7pm: Webinar 4 – Shared Parenting

Living Beyond Grief and Loss and how to offer support – Kells area

Please see below information taken from the Kells Parish Bulletin with regard to a series of events for the month of November.



Those interested can contact the Parish Office by:

Email: [email protected] or
Tel: 046 9240213


Save the dates – Raising awareness about problem alcohol use in the home in October 2023

Alcohol Action are running a series of events and activities aimed to raise awareness of the issues arising from growing up with alcohol harm in the home entitled ‘End the Silence’.

  • In Ireland, an estimated 271,000 children under 15 years of age are living with parents who are regular risky drinkers (HSE, 2014).
  • The negative effects include emotional impacts, abuse and violence, family relations, changes in parental behaviour and neglect.
  • A National Audit of Neglect Cases indicated that parental alcohol misuse was a factor in 62% of neglect cases.

Find more information by clicking here

Meath Wellness Hub Free Online Workshop on 1st November – The Importance of Healthy Relationships

Poster is attached above and the link to register is below.


CyberSafeKids – CyberBreak event 20th Oct, 2023

CyberBreak is a fun filled family break where you turn off your smart devices (mobiles, laptops, iPads, computers, gaming consoles) for 24-hours. This is our fourth year running CyberBreak and we want it to be our biggest one yet – we are encouraging all schools and families across Ireland to sign up for the day. CyberBreak seeks to raise awareness about the importance of having a happy and healthy balance between our online and offline lives.

Families and schools can sign up here