Engaging Dads, Supporting Families Webinar

The Childhood Development Initiative is hosting an Engaging Dads, Supporting Families Webinar.

The Webinar takes place on Wednesday 30th of September 2020 from 2.00pm – 5.00pm. The Webinar aims to Explore Fatherhood, gain knowledge and strategies to engage Dads in a positive and effective way.

Guest speakers at the Webinar:

  1. Dr Gary Barker, CEO and Founder of Promundo
  2. Cassius Campbell, Fatherhood Insituite UK
  3. Damien Peelo, CEO Treoir
  4. Dave Saunders, CEO From Lads to Dads
  5. Dr Catarina Leitao and Celine Moran from the Childhood Development Initiative.

For further information or to book a place click on the following link: https://mailchi.mp/78cbfc58239b/engaging-dads-webinar-meet-our-speakers?e=3bf424e5af

Funding Opportunity: Community Foundation for Ireland

Almost €6 million was raised as part of RTÉ does Comic Relief in August, 2020. Organisations of all sizes working to address inequalities can apply for grants through the fund. But hurry! Applications close on Wednesday, September 30.

Click here for further information on applying to The Community Foundation for Ireland.

Public Consultation on Future Funding of Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare in Ireland

Click here to access the link. Submissions open until 2nd October, 2020.

Call for Submissions on the Workforce Development Plan for the Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare Sector in Ireland

Click here to access the link on the call for submissions on the Workforce Development Plan for the Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare Sector in Ireland remains open until 2 October 2020. It remains open until 2nd October, 2020.

Let’s Get Ready – National Quality Guidelines for School-Age Childcare Services

Click here to access the National Quality Guidelines for School-Age Childcare Services.

National Parents Council parenting webinar series

The National Parents Council has a series of four webinars for parents on Mental Health with Dr Coleman Noctor coming up. They will take place once a week starting 7th October, 2020.

Click on the poster below for further information and to register for any of the four webinars click here. Please note that the webinars are free to attend but spaces are limited to 100 on each night of the event, a recording will be made available for those who are unable to attend.

NPC Conference promotion poster



Meath Libraries Children’s Book Festival: A Right Royal Read – October 2020

Click on the following link:


for details of our annual Children’s Book Festival in Meath which runs for the month of October. Our festival will be online on our YouTube channel and it is a wonderful opportunity for children and schools to engage in workshops, listen to authors, take part in competitions etc.  Schools are asked to book events by emailing [email protected]

Our annual Family Day has also moved online.  Videos by lots of authors, illustrators and storytellers will be available to view on the weekend of 24th/25th October.


Note: All e-audiobooks and e-books are available free to library members via our website www.meath.ie/libraries




Connecting for Life Midlands, Louth and Meath – Help is at hand for your emotional wellbeing and mental health during COVID-19

Click on the link below to access a list of supports in relation to your emotional wellbeing and mental health during COVID-19:

Help is at Hand Covid-19 Poster CHO8 V6

Let’s Talk about Consent – NYCI research and guidance launched

Click on the following link to access the research and guidance launched by the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) entitled Let’s Talk about Consent


Roscommon School Refusal Resource Pack 2020

Please see below a link for the redesigned Roscommon School Refusal Resource Pack 2020 – information for schools and parents, which was developed in response to an increase in School Refusal issues in the county in 2018.
