Advice from Jigsaw on How to start a difficult conversation with Young People and Why do we worry about the future?

Please see details below on advice from Jigsaw on How to start a difficult conversation with Young People and Why do we worry about the future?
How to start a difficult conversation with Young People
If a young person in your life seems to be having a difficult time, trust your instincts if you feel something isn’t right.
There are plenty of signs to look out for that are good to know. If you want to start a tough conversation but don’t know where to begin, you are not alone.
Many young people have missed out on a number of opportunities and milestones in the last year due to Covid-19, and there can be no question that this can impact on everyone in the family unit’s mood.
Click on the link to read to full article:

Jigsaw have also written an article – Why do we worry about the future?
The future and how we feel about it can make us feel overwhelmed, either by the amount of choice, or lack of it.

Thinking about the ‘the future’, some people have a very clear map of what road they hope to take. Others are less certain. A global pandemic like something out of a dystopian film that few could have predicted adds a whole other level of concerns about what any of our futures may hold.

We may experience a range of emotions including confusion, frustration, anger or sadness.
Click on the link to read the full article:

Meath Library Service – Helping Children to Develop a Growth Mindset

Meath Library Service presents Helping Children to Develop a Growth Mindset on Tuesday, 19th January at 7:15pm.

Where: Meath Library Youtube Channel


National Family Support Network Virtual Conference and Wellbeing Event

The National Family Support Network are hosting a “Virtual Learning & Wellbeing Event” in January.
The event will be a host of workshops and will be run over 2 days, Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd January 2021. The workshops will be delivered via ZOOM and all links will be sent closer to the dates. The first 250 people that book will receive a carepack!!! So get booking!!

If you need any assistance with your booking please call us any time from 4th January 2021 and we will be happy to help.

For further information or to book a place click on the following link:

Perspectives Ireland WEBINAR ‘How to Find the Strength to Keep Going’

Perspectives Ireland are holding a free 40-minute webinar called ‘How to Find the Strength to Keep Going’ on Monday, January 18th 2021 at 1.00pm that will explore how to find the strength you need to keep going through the third lockdown and not let hopelessness or lack of motivation weigh you down.

To book a place click on the following link:

Meath Partnership Game of Phones – National Conference

Meath Partnership  have provided us with information about:

Game of Phones – National Conference on 28th January, 2021 –Exploring Problem Based Learning and Critical Thinking in Youth Work.

Click here to register.




Free Stress Control Programme

HSE Health and Wellbeing are offering a free Stress Control programme, beginning today Monday, 11 January 2021.

Stress Control is an evidence-based programme consisting of six sessions that teaches you practical skills to deal with stress.

The programme helps you to recognise the signs of stress. Covering topics such as how stress affects our bodies and our thoughts, it teaches skills to overcome panicky feelings and tips to help you get a good night’s sleep. This is a free programme and to participate simply visit to register.

The programme is open to everyone so please share with your friends and family.

Also available on are resources such as information Booklets on each of the Stress Control sessions and Relaxation Mindfulness techniques.

Mental Health Supports and Services during COVID-19

Face-to-face services are limited at present due to COVID 19 restrictions however a number of services are providing online and phone services.

Click on the link below for information on:

  • Online counselling and support
  • Phone support
  • Text support

Supports for younger people, their parents or guardians are also included in the link below (Childline, BeLonG To Youth Services, JIGSAW, Barnardos and

Family Addiction Support Network Service Update

The Family Addiction Support Network (FASN) is a dedicated support service for Family members / concerned persons who are impacted by loved one’s substance misuse.

In these extremely difficult times we are very aware of the challenges our service users will be dealing with so we have developed a safe and secure online communications platform in which we can support you.

With this in mind we are continuing to provide vital service’s in the form of:

  1.        One to one support sessions
  2.        5 Step Brief Intervention
  3.        Health & Wellbeing support through Facebook (FASN)
  4.        Counselling
  5.        Family Support Groups – online peer led family support groups.

Join our weekly online meetings for Navan, Drogheda, Dundalk, Cavan and Monaghan.  You must contact us for details and support to access the online services at the contact details below.  Remember we are here to help and support you.

Call: 042-9355251 / 087-9046405         email: [email protected]

Meath Library Service Navan: Free Touch-Type Read & Spell Course

Did you know that as a library member, you can access the Touch-Type Read & Spell (TTRS) course for free?

TTRS is a multisensory, structured, online typing course which assists students to learn at their own pace.

In addition to developing typing skills, TTRS is designed to benefit students of all ages, in particular those who experience spelling, reading or writing difficulties. Learners with dyslexia or literacy issues have also found it helpful

TTRS can be beneficial for:

  •     learners with Dyspraxia
  •     learners with Dysgraphia
  •     students studying English as a second language
  •     those who wish to upskill and improve their general typing skills
  •     those who wish to improve their literacy skills or those having literacy difficulties
  •     those who wish to improve their memory skills or who are experiencing memory problems

How does TTRS work?

If you are a member of Meath County Council Library Service and if you have Internet access at home, then you can use TTRS at home. Alternatively, you can access it from one of our public PCS in the library. The course is very user-friendly.  There are many different levels and modules which learners can work through and improve on, and on completion you can get a Certificate of Completion to represent all the hard work you have done! In addition to the main TTRS course, there is also a TTRS subjects section. This is only recommended after learners have completed at least 3 levels of the main course. Subjects include maths, grammar and science.

How to get access to TTRS

If you would like access to TTRS, please contact your local library, giving your full name, email address and Library card number. We will send you a username and password along with the login instructions.

For further useful information on TTRS check out their website.

As our libraries are currently closed under level 5 restrictions, users may register by emailing [email protected] stating their full name, local library and email address.

Meath PPN COVID-19 Emergency Fund – 2nd Round: open for applications

The 2nd round of the COVID-19 Emergency Fund is now being launched.

The COVID-19 Emergency Fund is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development  and administered by the Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) in each Local Authority area.


This round will provide grants to community groups to assist them:

  • to adapt their services and operations to fit the new COVID-19 reality. Examples of measures supported could be adapting premises to allow for social distancing; offering on-line activities; providing social supports and friendly calls by phone etc.


  • to become more involved in the Government’s ‘Keep Well’ campaign. The grants are aimed at assisting participation in the campaign, in particular with the three themes: staying connected, switching off and being creative, and minding your mood.


The fund is being administered by Meath County Council who is inviting groups registered with MeathPPN to submit an application.


Please find attached the fund application form and guidelines.

Guidelines for 2nd round of COVID19 Emergency Fund

Application form for 2nd round of COVID19 Emergency Fund


The closing date for the receipt of applications is 5pm Wednesday 27th January 2021.

Application forms can be returned by email to [email protected] or by post to Meath County Council, Community Section, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath C15 Y291.


Please direct any queries to [email protected] or by phone to 046 9097400.