Minister O’Gorman Launches Second Supporting Children Campaign

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman T.D., has today launched the second Supporting Children campaign aimed at encouraging everyone to be mindful of vulnerable children and young people in these challenging times.

The campaign provides easy-to-access information on services available to children and families throughout the period of Covid-19 restrictions. Advertisements will be rolled out across radio and social media, with the Supporting Children website providing an information hub and practical supports to anyone who may need them.

Click on the following link for further details about the launch:

Click on the link below to the Supporting Children government website providing access to the many supports and services for children, young people and their families:

Safer Internet Day 9th February: Webwise Webinar for Post-Primary Students

On Safer Internet Day Webwise will broadcast a short webinar for post-primary students reflecting on the role technology has played in our lives this year and explores ways to help students manage their online wellbeing. The event will provide an opportunity to hear about the experiences of figures from the world of entertainment, sport, cyberpsychology and the tech industry. Joining the discussion are 2FM’s; Eoghan McDermott, Cyberpsychologist; Dr Nicola Fox-Hamilton, Public Policy Lead for Kids and Families at Google; Dr Alicia Blum-Ross, All-Ireland winning Dublin Footballer Eamon Fennell. The discussion will be hosted by Webwise Youth Advisory panel member Billie Constantinou. The event will be available online on Safer Internet Day, Tuesday, February 9th via and can be found on the Webwise Ireland Facebook and Twitter channels.



Meath Library Service – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Quiz

Closing date for entries to the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Quiz is Sunday, 7th February at 9.00 pm. Entrants must be aged 7+ and be members of a Meath library. Click on the link below for further details:

Meath Library Service – Creative Mindfulness & Gratitude: A Children’s Workshop

Meath Library Service presents an introduction to mindfulness and gratitude practices for children on Saturday, 6th February at 10.15 am.

It includes mini mindfulness practices, guided meditation, discussion and a gratitude craft.

Louise Shanagher is a children’s therapist, mindfulness teacher and Psychology Lecturer. She provides creative and well-being workshops, mindfulness classes as well as online and class training. She is the author of three books: The “Mindfully Me” series,  Ireland’s first series of mindfulness books for children.

Click on the link below for further information:


Irish National Opera Workshops

Irish National Opera (INO) is looking to work with young people aged 14-18, living outside of Ireland’s main urban areas, to help create the world’s first virtual reality community opera. We’ll be running a number of workshops over the coming weeks to explore the stories and themes that will contribute to the final opera. We have a series of creative writing workshops with writer Dave Lordan, exploring the theme Out of the Ordinary. You don’t have to know anything about opera, writing or virtual reality to take part in the project. Participation is free of charge. Enthusiasm and an open mind are all that’s required.

Click on the link below for more information:

Meath Library Service – Helping Reduce Childhood Anxiety

Meath Library Service presents Don’t be a Second Chicken – Helping Reduce Childhood Anxiety with Dr Mary O’Kane (Online) Tuesday, 26th January at 7.15pm

As parents we want to do everything we can to support our anxious children. This video focuses on how anxiety impacts our children and offers parents practical advice on how to support their children during difficult times.

We look at the things that we sometimes do as parents that unintentionally heighten our children’s anxiety, and what we can do instead to support them to manage their fears, helping them to gain confidence in their own abilities.



YWI Meath Support for 6th Year Leaving Certificate Students

Youth Work Ireland (YWI) Meath are excited to announce our Leaving Certificate study group for anyone in Co. Meath who is in 6th Year and feeling anxious for the next few months.

Click on the link below for further details.

YWI Meath Student Support Group


Parents Plus Reminder: Second Round of the COVID-19 Emergency Fund Closes Wednesday, 27th January

The Government has announced additional funding support for community and voluntary groups to deal with COVID-19.  The COVID-19 Emergency Fund is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered by the Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) in each Local Authority area.

  • “The grants under this fund to assist local community and voluntary groups to adapt their services and operations to fit the new COVID-19 reality are consistent with an action assigned to this Gov. Department under the Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19.  It will seek to assist their participation in the campaign, in particular with the three themes that are most reliant on their involvement: staying connected, switching off and being creative, and minding your mood.”
  • “The fund provides grants to help animate community groups to enable them to become more involved in the Government’s ‘Keep Well’ campaign.  Further details on this campaign are available here.

This may be of interest to services and community groups who wish to access funding to support them to deliver on the ‘Minding Your Mood’ strand of the Governments Keeping Well Campaign, by training in and running the Parents Plus Programmes online and eventually in person.

Whether this be training in one of our age specific parenting programmes or our youth mental health programme, our evidence based tailored trainings will help you to reach and make a meaningful difference to families, children and young people.

Applications for the second round of the Covid-19 Emergency Fund can be made to the relevant Local Authority areas, and Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs).

Applications should be made to the relevant LCDC . Full details are available for Co. Meath below:

The fund is being administered by Meath County Council who is inviting groups registered with MeathPPN to submit an application.

Please find attached the fund application form and guidelines.

Guidelines for 2nd round of COVID19 Emergency Fund

Application form for 2nd round of COVID19 Emergency Fund

The closing date for the receipt of applications is 5pm Wednesday 27th January 2021.

Application forms can be returned by email to [email protected] or by post to Meath County Council, Community Section, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath C15 Y291.

Please direct any queries to [email protected] or by phone to 046 9097400.

Note: If, upon reviewing your local authority application and guidelines, your service is interested in applying for this fund, please contact us at [email protected] and we will jointly support your proposal.

Free Online Workshop on Kinship Care – Caring for a Child/Young Person who is Unable to Live with their Parents

There are still spaces at our virtual conference this Friday, 22nd January, to attend a workshop on Kinship Care, facilitated by the new coordinator of Kinship Care Ireland.

Kinship care is when a child or young person lives full-time with a relative or family friend because they are not able to live with their parents. It allows children to remain among family and retain a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Kinship care has always been with us.  Grandparents, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, cousins, and close friends have always come forward to keep children in the family when there is a crisis or breakdown of relationships.  Thousands of people care for children because their parents are unable to do so. There are growing numbers of people who are becoming kinship carers – with an estimated 10,000 children in the care of relatives in Ireland.

This workshop is free, you can sign up via Eventbrite,


‘About the Irish Health System – A Guide for Refugees and other migrants’

‘About the Irish Health System – A Guide for Refugees and other migrants’ has been reviewed and updated by the HSE and the English Version is available here:

‘About the Irish Health System – A Guide for Refugees and other migrants’ has been translated to 14 languages (Farsi, French, Kurdish, Georgian, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, Pashto, Romanian, Somali, Portuguese, Albanian, Bulgarian and Polish).

All copies are available here: