Parents Plus Adolescents Parenting Programme Commencing 25th of April in Navan Family Resource Centre

Please see attached flyer for Parents Plus Adolescents Parenting Programme Commencing 25th of April in Navan Family Resource Centre.

Places still available contact Lynda on 046 9073178


Meath Community Resources and Supports Booklet – For Families with Additional Needs

Families of children with additional needs are being brought up to speed on supports available to them, thanks to the publication of the Tusla and CYPSC funded Meath Community Resources & Supports booklet.

Launched in Navan on 29th February by Meath Child and Family Support Networks (CFSNs), the booklet is the culmination of 18 months work undertaken by the CFSN Coordination team in Co Meath, the working group, and parents. It was funded through Tusla Parental Participation Seed funding, Meath Children & Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) BOBF 2023 Programme funding and Navan library.

The need for the booklet arose through the Meath CFSNs, which realised how families were asking for signposting to supports while seeking/awaiting assessment.

As a result, a working group was formed to include interested CFSN members. Led by Jackie Jackson and Alice O’Halloran, Tusla CFSN Coordinators for Meath, it was made up of representatives from Navan Library, Primary Care Social Work, CDNT, Trim FRC, Navan FRC and Meath County Childcare Committee.

Following a mapping exercise, consultation with services and parents, it became clear that there were far more services and supports to be included than initially envisaged, resulting in a sizeable booklet that is packed with information.

Representatives of services listed in the booklet were present on the day, with stands placed around the room to meet parents before and after the presentation and speeches.

Speaking at the launch, mental health advocate Rory O’Connor, of Rory’s Stories, gave practical and helpful advice to the 80 parents present along with services in attendance, and highlighted how much value such an information booklet can bring to families who are desperate for support.

Click on the link below to access the Meath Community Resources and Supports Booklet

Meath Community Resources and Supports – Additional Needs 2024


Pride Play Consultation April 20th

On April 20th, Outcomers LGBT Support Service will host a consultation in collaboration with Quintessence Theatre company for LGBT+ young people aged 14 – 25. Young people will be engaged in a fun filled consultation that will gather their voice to be included in the upcoming play “The Bród, The Bold and The Beautiful”. This Pride focused play will be preferred on Inis Oírr for the first time in May 2024 as part of Outcomers’ LGBT+ Isles Project, and will show in An Táin Arts Centre, Dundalk for two nights in June 2024 as part of Dundalk Pride Festival, as well as more showings to be announced! The consultations will take place in Outcomers, Coach House, 8 Roden Place, Dundalk, Co. Louth.

The talented Quintessence Theatre will develop and perform the play, and are looking for LGBT+ young people from Louth, Meath, Cavan and Monaghan to feed into the play development. Young people who are interested in attending can WhatsApp Lorna on 0861625030 or email [email protected] for more details and relevant consultation group time slots.

PRESS RELEASE: Minister of State Joe O’Brien announces the opening of applications for the Communities Integration Fund 2024

The Minister of State for Integration, Joe O’Brien T.D., today announced €500,000 in funding under the Communities Integration Fund 2024.

The CIF enables community-based organisations across Ireland to build on their vital work in reaching out to, and helping to, integrate migrants into local communities. Successful organisations will receive grant funding of €1,000 – €5,000 to support local integration initiatives.

The Communities Integration Fund (CIF) is an important fund; supporting a wide range of community groups working in many different ways to help celebrate and support the rich cultural diversity within local communities.

The announcement of the Community Integration Fund is the second in a series of upcoming fund announcements that will be made before the end of May.  The suite of funds will be aimed at supporting community groups that have been active in supporting integration initiatives in local communities across the county.

Minister of State Joe O’Brien said:

I am delighted to announce the launch of the Communities Integration Fund 2024. The CIF has proven to be especially effective at support small local projects that help make communities more welcoming places for recent arrivals.

The initiatives supported under the CIF are varied and innovative and are carried out by community groups of all sizes throughout Ireland. Groups who have recognised the importance of supporting successful integration – both for those seeking to build a new life here and for the local community welcoming them.

 I regularly visit towns, villages and cities across Ireland to meet with the people involved in these groups and I see first-hand the unbelievable breadth of work underway to support people and communities. It is crucial that Government continues to support and grow this great work.

Irish society has been enriched by increased cultural diversity and we must ensure that migrants are supported to actively participate in Irish society without having to relinquish their own cultural identity.

This announcement of CIF funding is a second step in a suite of imminent funding announcements that will further support the great work already being done by local communities to welcome new people and cultures.”

How to apply:

Applicants can access a detailed guidance document and complete an online application form link here .

The closing date for receipt of applications is 12 pm on 8 May 2024.

Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2024

Under the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (incorporating the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups), one-off grants are being made available to local youth clubs/groups to assist with their development needs including supporting administration, programme and services costs.

Louth and Meath Youth clubs/groups are invited to apply for one-off funding under the following:  Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2024

Deadline for receipt of completed application forms is 5pm, Friday, 26th of April, 2024

Applications will only be accepted through email and submitted to: [email protected]

Irish/English versions of the Application form and Guidance note are available to download from LMETB website:

Postal applications will not be accepted

Applications received after this date will not be considered under any circumstances.

Louth Meath Mental Health Calendar for April 2024

Please click on the link below for information


To access training:

April – May Edition of the Healthy Meath Newsletter

The April – May 2024 Edition of the Healthy Meath Newsletter is now available here

Trim FRC April 2024 Newsletter

Click on the link below to see a copy of our April 2024 newsletter outlining the programmes and groups we have in place that will be of interest to families.

April Trim FRC

World Autism Day – Coffee Morning

Click on poster link below regarding an upcoming coffee morning to celebrate World Autism Day from Meath Autism Network on Tuesday the 2nd of April at 10am in An Tobar Adrbraccan.

COFFEE MORNING_240326_124341