Trim Family Resource Centre April 2023 Newsletter
Click on the link below for information regarding upcoming events in Trim Family Resource Centre (FRC) during April 2023.
Click on the link below for information regarding upcoming events in Trim Family Resource Centre (FRC) during April 2023.
On 1st March, 2023, a webinar was held to launch the Meath Emotionally Based School Avoidance Resource Pack. The Meath School Avoidance Working Group (coordinated through the Meath CYPSC – Children and Young People’s Services Committee), alongside our colleagues in NEPS (National Educational Psychology Service), HSE Primary Care Psychology, HSE CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), TESS (Tusla Education Support Service), HSE and Enable Ireland Disability Services, Meath CFSNs (Child and Family Support Networks), and a number of community based services worked in collaboration to develop a ‘School Avoidance Resource Pack’ to deliver to schools across the county.
The webinar targeted Principals and Vice-Principals of Primary and Secondary schools in Co. Meath, and involved the above services speaking briefly about the service they offer, their role in relation to school avoidance and guidance regarding accessing this service for a student engaging in school avoidance. There was also an opportunity for a Question & Answers session at the end.
Further to the webinar, copies of the Meath School Avoidance Resource Pack were delivered to all schools in Co. Meath. The resource pack has been designed to provide schools, students and parents/guardians/carers with a School Avoidance Pathway. The pathway was developed by services working with young people who are experiencing difficulties attending school for various reasons. It is hoped that this pathway and resource pack will provide a guide for schools and parents/guardians/carers on the best way to manage school avoidance and the relevant services that may be of assistance.
Click on the link below to access the ebook of the Meath School Avoidance Resource Pack.
This initiative was funded by Meath CYPSC from the DCEDIY BOBF Fund 2022/2023.
Under the Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (incorporating the National Quality Standards for Volunteer-led Youth Groups), one-off grants are being made available to local youth clubs/groups to assist with their development needs including supporting administration, programme and services costs.
Louth and Meath Youth Clubs/Groups are invited to apply for one-off funding under the following: Local Youth Club Grant Scheme 2023
Application form may be downloaded from LMETB website:
Deadline for receipt of completed application forms has being extended. The new date for submission of applications is now Friday, 14th April at 5pm.
Applications will only be accepted through email and submitted to: [email protected]
Postal applications will not be accepted
Applications received after this date will not be considered in any circumstances.
Meath Partnership are offering a free Gel Polish Workshop as part of the StayOn project to young people aged 20-29 who are not currently in employment. The workshop will take place from April 11th – 13th with experts from Vanilla Beauty, and is suitable for beginners. Each participant will receive an instruction manual, a professional kit & LED Light, a recognised certificate and coaching support.
Please click on the poster below for more information and relevant contact details.
Please click on the poster link below for information on the upcoming Pieta Information Evening in Navan Library on 4th April:
The Pillar Project is a project that aims to support parents and children who have an experience of loss through separation and / or bereavement. The project is running a Supporting Young People Who Had Experienced The Death Of A Sibling workshop through Zoom for Parents/Guardians on Wednesday 29th March 2023 online at 19:30.
This workshop will explore the issues for children / teens whose sibling has died; and the impact on the family system; and on parents and children individually. The workshop is facilitated by Nuala Harmey.
If you are parents / guardians and would like to attend this workshop, you can register through Eventbrite
Minister for Further & Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science Simon Harris, TD, has today announced the opening of a €1 million funding call for new projects to help address unmet literacy needs.
The Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) Strategy aims to address unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs for people across Ireland.
€1 million is available for grants under the Collaboration & Innovation Fund and public, non-profit, community and voluntary organisations are all eligible to apply to a maximum of €50,000 each.
Speaking at the launch of today’s funding call, Minister Harris said, “We all want to live in an Ireland where every adult has the necessary skills to fully engage in society and realise their full potential.
“This fund will help support organisations carry out vital work with people on financial, or health literacy, digital skills or how to read and write.
“I strongly encourage all of these critically important groups and organisations around the country to apply for the €50,000 grants available. I am looking forward to seeing what exciting, rewarding and important work comes out of it.”
Guidelines for applications can be found online at and the closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 14th April 2023.
Director of the ALL National Programme Office in SOLAS, Yvonne McKenna said, “With this funding call, we’re looking for truly collaborative and innovative projects and groups to support – we know that working together is how we best support those with oftentimes complex unmet literacy needs.
“One important condition of this new Fund is that there must be a minimum of 2 organisations per application – really showcasing genuine and meaningful collaboration on the ground and how we all work best together for the most powerful learner-focused outcomes.”
The next Suicide or Survive Supporters Programme will start next week online over Zoom. It is an 8-hour programme held over 3 sessions.
The Supporter’s Programme is for anyone supporting a family member, friend, or neighbour who is struggling with their mental health. The programme teaches supporters practical skills they can use to support others, it gives information on what supports are available and how they can be accessed and teaches practical ways of looking after your own mental health while supporting someone else.
Participants have said that alongside the practical skills learned the programme has increased their confidence in their existing support skills, helped them to focus more on self-care, and provided an opportunity for them to connect with others who are in a supporter role, so they feel less alone.
If you know of anyone who may benefit from attending they can find out more and apply for a place on the programme via our website or by contacting Catherine at [email protected] or phoning 01 2722158.
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