Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland Study 2022

Belong To and Trinity College Dublin want to know what it is like to be LGBTQI+ in Ireland today. Take part in the Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland study today to share your experiences of being an LGBTQI+ person in Ireland.


In 2016, Belong To and Trinity College Dublin collaborated on The LGBTIreland Report – a ground-breaking national study into the mental health and wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ community in Ireland. Over 2,000 people responded, and the research has been used to advocate for better services, supports and policies for the LGBTQI+ community.


On the 13th of September, the Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland research was launchedThis new study will track the changes in the LGBTQI+ community since the last year. The information for TheLGBTIreland Report was collected in 2014/15, before the same-sex marriage referendum and the introduction of the Gender Recognition Act in 2015.


With this new body of research, we have the chance to see what has changed for the LGBTQI+ community since these major milestones.


This anonymous research will examine the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQI+ people in the Republic of Ireland and investigate public attitudes towards LGBTQI+ people. The survey is for LGBTQI+ people aged 14 and is anonymous and confidential


Click here to take part today or visit


If you have any questions or would like to discuss any aspect of this study with the research team, please contact Professor Agnes Higgins (research manager) on 089 457 0387, by e-mail at [email protected], or visit our website at

