Trim Family Resource Centre: Upcoming Programmes

Please see link and posters below with information about upcoming Parent and Toddler Group, Pregnancy Yoga and Infant Massage happening in Trim Family Resource Centre.

Parent Toddler (3)

CyberSafe Tool for Primary Schools: Programme Places Still Available

Meath CYPSC together with Louth CYPSC and Wicklow CYPSC are working with CyberSafeKids (an Irish charity that educates kids on how to stay safe online), to deliver the ‘CyberSafe Tool for Schools’ to Primary Schools in these counties. Online safety has been identified by us as a key issue for young people and 98% of Irish Primary School Principals surveyed by CyberSafeKids* said that they considered online safety to be an issue in their school.

To support schools, CyberSafeKids has launched the ‘CyberSafe Tool for Schools’, designed to help schools to achieve a safer online environment in school communities. Thanks to funding from Rethink Ireland, CyberSafeKids is now offering 100 FREE places on the programme to Primary Schools in ALL COUNTIES, which involves a self-assessment tool, a report, a mark of good practice and bespoke consultation (normal package price €349).

The programme is available for Primary Schools to sign up here: or by emailing [email protected]. Although similar tools exist in the UK, this is the first tool of its kind in Ireland.

A short information flyer is available hereIf you have any queries on this, please contact [email protected].

SunSmart Campaign 2022 – Children and Young People

As part of the SunSmart campaign the HSE’s National Cancer Control Programme, in collaboration with Healthy Ireland and cross-sectoral partners are working together to support people to protect their skin from the sun. The aim of the campaign is to increase awareness of the steps you and your family can take to protect your skin from the sun and reduce your risk of skin cancer in Ireland. Click on the link below for more information:

National Parents Council Primary Information Helpline to Support Ukrainian Children and Families in Education in Ireland

The National Parents Council have launched a Ukrainian helpline to support children & families in education in Ireland. They have a new helpline officer who speaks English, Ukrainian & Russian. Please click on the flyers attached below, which are in English, Russian, and Ukrainian, for more information.



Minister Harris announces central helpdesk for Ukrainian people seeking access to third level education

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris, announced on 3rd May the establishment of a National Student and Researcher (NSR) Helpdesk.

This facility will be available to assist Ukrainian students and researchers who are seeking to continue their higher education studies in Ireland. Click on the link below for further information:

World Maternal Mental Health Day Campaign 4th May 2022

Let’s Break the Silence

World Maternal Mental Health Day:

Maternal Mental Health Day is an international campaign dedicated to talking about mental health problems during and up to one year after pregnancy.

It’s all about raising public and professional awareness of maternal mental health difficulties, advocating for women affected, changing attitudes, and empowering women and families by helping them to access the information, care, and support they need to recover.

Our key messages:

  • Let’s Break the Silence – It’s time to start a conversation about maternal mental health.
  • Up to one in five – Maternal mental health issues are common and can affect up to one in five women.
  • Help is available – There are supports and services that can help. Visit for more info.

Mental health difficulties can occur in pregnancy and after your baby is born. Getting help early will give you and your baby the best start. Remember your needs matter too. This initiative is supported by Kildare CYPSC and Wicklow CYPSC.

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